Wednesday 4 November 2015

Homemade kaya jam

2015 November 3rd 
Kaya ,is also known as coconut egg jam,which is a popular toast spread in Malaysia and Singapore.
This sweet coconut nut jam is made with just coconut milk,eggs and sugar and pandan leaves. Pandan leaves are to make the jam taste with fragrance. Later the leaves will be discarded.
My husband had a Google search for the making of kaya and he  chose one that was simple and easy. He tried a couple of times to get the texture he preferred. That the texture is not watery like those shown on videos.
The ingredients are: 250 gm sugar,250 gm coconut milk, 4 eggs,beaten.
The process is
 1. In a pot or mixing bowl, place sugar and pour in the coconut milk.
     Put the pot on stove. Stir the mixture until the sugar melts completely.Add in tied pandan leaves          (not shown because this time he did not use..optional).
2. Meanwhile beat eggs thoroughly. Using a strainer,pour the well beaten eggs into the pot of melted       sugar with the  coconut milk. Stir well for a while.
3. Transfer the pot of mixture onto another bigger and wider pot or a kwali (chinese use it to cook           dishes and food) filled with boiling water (as shown in the picture).Keep stirring on slow fire.
4. Keep stirring with patience until all ingredients mixed well.
5. On the other stove,use a saucepan to melt 5 tablespoons sugar till it turns brown color,not burnt.
    Pour the melted sugar  into the pot and keep stirring again until sugar well blended into the                 texture.
6. Finally the nice texture of  kaya is ready. It takes half an hour only to get the job done.
1. 250 gm sugar place in a pot.

2. 250 gm fresh coconut milk  in a glass .

3. Pour coconut milk into the pot and picture shows the mixture.
4. Picture shows the pot of  mixture is placed on stove with slow fire.
Keep stirring until the sugar melts in coconut milk. The mixture turns to this color. 
5. Beat eggs thoroughly and pour into the pot of  mixture.Keep stirring on slow fire.
6. Stir well until turns into the correct form of mixture.

7. On a saucepan,melts 5 table spoons of sugar till it melts and turns brown then pour into the pot.Keep on stirring until you get the desired texture .

8. Once cool,pour into containers and it is ready to serve.

Editing is done on 4th November 2015.